Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oops ! I turned the fox! ( its on the video) Feb 9 hunt

Our first cast at 8:05am yielded  two foxes from the get-go.  Both were found in the "pony shed woods".One took most of the 10couple across the open, over Parker rd and on into the woods on the other side. From there, this fox continued his straight-necked ,downwind  run , crossing over  High Stump Rd, and going to ground in an earth on the other side.  He did not want to play.  Meanwhile, Part-Time, Reno and a couple of others were running their fox around the covert where they jumped it. Tommy and I wasted no time loading the hounds at the earth and  getting them around to  where Bobby was following this chase.

By 8:40, all hounds were on and running their pilot  around the "Garden" and "Tacky Radishes".(Gawd, I never tire of these names,lol!)   The wind was already  gusting 15-20mph out of the NW. Temps were in the mid to high 30's. It felt colder.  At around  9:15,  Charles went to ground in the woods behind a church.  THAT fox didnt want to play, either.Hounds  were gathered and  we headed over to  Andrew Stafford's place for the next draw.  It took awhile, but the pack finally jumped fox #3 in the woods behind Gallo's field.
This is the fox in the video. We had a brief split when 2 1/2couple took another fox out Chris Wyatt's driveway and headed east  over Cattail Branch rd.  Tommy stayed with them and broke them near my
ex- brother-in-laws' farm on Gallo rd.  He harked those hounds to the others that were till running behind Wyatt's, and once again hounds were all on.

The wind was really blowing now, and hearing  the pack was proving to be a challenge unless one was directly downwind.  While we positioned ourselves thusly on the south side of the covert, the  fox pulled a sneaky move and  bolted east, running over Cattail Branch road.  We caught up with the pack as they were running  parallel to the road  in a cutover cornfield.  The fox had run a shallow ditch  that parallels the road  100 yards in from the blacktop.  When the pack made a sudden turn back towards the road, it was clear that Charles had flipped  back  over  and had to have made a long run over a large wheat field , heading west to return to thw woods  where he had been roused ..  It was now  almost 12:30, and the guys felt it was the opportune time to pick up  hounds.  We held the pack up at the raod, and all hounds were on save for two of Tommy's, which came  up behind the others only a few minutes later.

NOTE:  video subtitle says this is the second fox of the morning, but it was actually the third and last fox of the day.

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