A beautiful shot of the sun rising above the cornfield should be appearing HERE.
What a gorgeous morning it was. Cool,crisp, with the verly slightest hint of a NE wind which may have been our problem this morning. A hot air balloon passed over the cornfield prior to the draw and then drifted off to the west - my first realization of the wind direction since I hadn't bothered to check the weather forecast. Usually, the balloons will drift west to east. At 6:50, Bobby and I cast our 4 couple ( 2/3's of my bitches are still in heat!) into the middle of the corn via a dirt lane that cuts through the center. This lane parallels a paved road, both run north-south. Howard, a friend and fellow fox hunter from nearby, had agreed to ride out and guard the road for us. He was positioned on the road and at the end of the gravel driveway of the house that is flanked by the corn on its' south side, and soybeans on its' north side. Hounds began to speak as soon as they hit the ground, and we thought we had lucked out and hit the line of a hot fox right away. Alas, the video shows the best part of the morning. Hounds would hit and miss this line for a half hour before we decided to call them back and try another draw. Same problem again. Part-time opened, hounds harked, but they didn't stay with it. After another 20 minutes passed, we called them back and walked on to try another cast further west- not our best option, as we were now getting close to the paved road . Seconds into this draw, Howard tally-hoed a fox in the driveway. Bobby was 150 yards south of me on the lane, and I was close enough to the driveway that I arrived there in time to view a scrawny looking red run the drive for about 20 feet towards the road and then duck into the corn between the paved road and the dirt lane that Bobby was on. Charles had to either go straight on through the corn, heading south, or turn west and cross the road in front of Howard. I ran back to the lane , called hounds to me and lifted them to my view. Repo opened, followed by Part-time and although they all tried to find Charles, they just couldnt smell him. Several hounds had begun to enter the soybean field that lay on the north side of the driveway( not sure if that is where the fox had been before Howard and I viewed him), so we quickly gathered them. We knew that damn fox was in there somewhere, so we tried ONE MORE TIME to find him, to no avail. We quit at about 8:20. At least hounds got some exercise! Going back to try again tomorrow.... Gave the tenant in the farmhouse a homemade blueberry sour cream coffee cake, and he reciprocated with a dozen of his hen's fresh eggs. I think we both enjoyed our breakfasts!
The balloon asit drifts away from us. And the cornfield where we tried to find a fox. The sky really was that blue!!
Repo - GITTIN' IT!! |
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