Monday, April 16, 2012

Trying to find a fox in the skunk cabbage

Drawing the skunk cabbage in the dried-up swamp @ 6:30am. 6:30 am on April15.  It's so very, very dry. and warm- 59F degrees at the draw in the "swamp"- which isnt much of a swamp these days.  We walked right through the "branch"  and barely got our boots wet.  Not good.

13 1/2 couple out today. Freddys' and Jeffs' hounds joined up with Bobby's, Tommy's and mine.  At 7:10am, freddy's hounds opened on a fox that was viewed crossing the County House Rd.  The rest of our hounds, which had been working the other side of the road, but further west, harked. We got a decent chase going, with surprisingly good hound music in light of the conditions.  Unfortunately, we have a car follower that comes out with his cur dog always along for the ride.   And something happened..... ( watch the video)...which caused the chase to blow up 40 minutes later..  Hounds were loaded and we headed for the only other wet spot around, Georges' Branch, located about 2 miles away.  A  second pilot was found down in this boggy bottom, and hounds ran him well for 45 minutes. 

Since I had scheduled to ride in a fund-raising event  in the afternoon, I departed the hunt at 9 am, without taking part in the second chase. ( No regrets, there!)  I did stick around long enough to get hound music from that chase, also. I only post a few seconds of the hound music from each chase on the video-although I could listen to it for hours,I doubt most folks could!

Most excellent ride on the big guy later in the day, followed by a good dinner, and champagne with dark chocolate and strawberries as I write this and upload the video. Not a bad day!
Curtis brought his 10week old pups out for a ride in his hound truck

Hounds casting themselves after their fox got headed by a car follower. None of the hunters viewed where the fox had gone

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