Tuesday, November 27, 2012

'Monday - only 10 couple today

I got to sleep in a half hour later - hounds were cast @ 8am into a frosty wood next to the Dry Cow Lot.  A fox was found at 8:14, but he ran for a short 10 minutes before ducking into a hole.  Hounds were gathered and the draw continued in the same covert.  At 8: 47, the pack opened on another red that gave them a slightly longer, but still short chase of about  45minutes duration.  He left the woods after running it behind the red barn field for the first 15minutes and then crossed High Stump Rd to head over a large tax ditch and on into the state forest. We viewed him, counted hounds as they followed, and then tried to stay with them as best we could with a variable  S/SW wind making  it difficult to hear. (But  it was much less windy and  not as cold as the previous two mornings!)

Bobby and I got behind Wyatt's chicken houses where we could hear them running  and about 5 minutes' later, they shut up cold.  Our fox had gone in just after 9:30. As hounds were coming to our  horns ( mine and Tommy has a cow horn handed down to him from his dad), a gray cat jumped out of the wheel well of an old truck parked right where they were emerging from the woods.  Some green-collared hounds had a short-lived chase on what looked to me like a very pregnant  cat!  We stopped them, and as far as I could tell, the cat escaped with all 9 lives ( plus whatever).

All were on save for Olin's Annie , and she was later  found  back in the covert where the fox was roused, probably headed back to where she was turned out.

Tommy drew the woods behind Wyatt's, but it was blank , so we called it  day .  Hounds need a rest!!!

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