Sunday, March 4, 2012

A fox in my lap and some very soggy footing

Gone to ground,  fox  #1

The vixen ran for less than 5 minutes-straight to her den. And it is one stinky den!!

Fox # 2

These are stills from the video of fox # 2 when he ran right at Rap and me 
11 couple out( I think- we started off so quickly that I never got time to ascertain who brought what!). Gloomy, overcast day to start, but temp at 42 F . Wind was out of the NW, predicted to blow at 10-20mlh later in the day. It was pretty calm when hounds opened on the first fox at 7:50am. Had to have been a vixen, because it stayed up for a grand total of about 4 minutes! They found her on the woods' edge, and she made a bee-line straight for her den. I have video of hounds at the earth - and you'll hear me say how stinky it was. The babies have most definitely arrived!! Tommy even saw some at another hole later in the day.
Our second fox ran in the open over a wheat field, and came directly at me and my horse. Hounds were less than a minute behind, and I caught that run in the open on video.

Over an hour later, the fox broke covert again and headed due west and straight out of the country. Hounds were gathered and we went upwind a couple miles for the last draw. Here, another straight-running fox was jumped. This one ran due south, crossing two paved roads on his way to the Marshy Hope canal. We broke the pack before they got to the canal.  It was 11:45.

The footing was deep and soggy in the fields. Poor Rap will sleep well tonight!

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